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John McGuire
Feb 21 min read
2/3/24 deadlift
Warm up With a partner 100 cal row Then 3 rounds 10 push ups 10 (5/5) alt kb rows 10 v ups Strength Deadlift 1x4 20s Bench press Barbell...
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John McGuire
Feb 11 min read
3 rounds Work 1 minute Rest 30 seconds -ski erg -Barbell curls -Sled push and pull -v sit -Double kb deadlifts -very heavy
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John McGuire
Jan 311 min read
Warm up Emom8 4 rounds bike 4 rounds row 20 second sprint 40 second slow Endurance 2 rounds On a 4 minute clock 30 air squats 30 burpees...
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John McGuire
Jan 301 min read
1/31/24 strict press
Warm up 1 minute row 30 second handstand hold 20 banded lat pull downs 10 pvc pipe pass throughs Strength Strict press 3x4 20s Deadlift...
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John McGuire
Jan 291 min read
Warm up 10 minute single cardio focus Endurance Note-keep intensity at a 7 out of 10 15/12 cal bike 50 wall ball 15/12 cal bike 50 cal...
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John McGuire
Jan 281 min read
1/29/24 back squat
Warm up 2 minute bike 30/30 second side plank 10 barbell clusters Strength Back squat 3x4 20s Push press Db bench Double db row...
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John McGuire
Jan 261 min read
1/27/24 barbell row
Warm up Two minute row 30 second hollow hold 20 squats 10 inch worm push-ups Strength Barbell row 3x4 20s -close grip bench press, (do...
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John McGuire
Jan 261 min read
Warm up Pracyice double unders for 5 minutes Circuit 4 rounds 1 minute at each station 30 seconds rest between -Floor to overheads 45/26...
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John McGuire
Jan 241 min read
Warm up 10 minutes mixed cardio Endurance 4 rounds for time 400 meter run 30 cal row 20 cal bike 10 (5/5) Turkish get ups 35/25
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John McGuire
Jan 231 min read
1/24/24 front squat
Warm up With a partner Complete 40 calorie bike for time 5 wall facing squats 5 high jumps 5 inch worm push ups 5 high jumps Strength...
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John McGuire
Jan 221 min read
Warm up EMOM5 Bike or row 45 seconds slow 15 seconds fast ENDURANCE Delta format 1 round 50 double unders 30 v ups strict c2b pull ups 2...
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John McGuire
Jan 211 min read
1/22/24 bench press
Warm up 1 minute plank 10/10 alternating kb row 10 wall facing squats 10 knees to chest Strength Bench press 3x4 20sUnder hand grip row...
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John McGuire
Jan 191 min read
1/20/24 deadlift
Warm up 2 minute row 30 seconds side plank each side 5 inch worm push ups 10 barbell thrusters 15 barbell RDLs Strength Deadlift 1x4...
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John McGuire
Jan 191 min read
Warm up 5 minute single cardio focus Circuit AMRAP20 5 hanging knees to chest 10 mee ball hang squat clean + wall ball 15 med ball deadlifts
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John McGuire
Jan 171 min read
Warm up 2 rounds 20 foot bear walk 20 second L sit 20 second L hang Strength spend 5-10 minute practicing Strict ring dips Pistol squats...
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John McGuire
Jan 161 min read
1/17/24 strict press
Warm up 1 minute row 1 minute handstand with elbow taps if possible 30 second goblet squat hold then 2 rounds 5/5 bottoms up presses 5/5...
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John McGuire
Jan 151 min read
Warm up 10 minutes mixed cardio Endurance 0:00-8:00 ENOM8 Cal bike 45 seconds slow 15 seconds as fast as possible Rest 2 minutes Then...
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John McGuire
Jan 141 min read
1/15/24 back squat
Warm up 2 minute bike 30/30 second side plank 40 seconds superman hold 5/5 bulgarian split squats 6 inch worm push ups Strength Back...
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John McGuire
Jan 121 min read
1/13/24 barbell row
Warm up 2 minute row 30 second handstand hold 30 second pistol squat hold Strength Barbell row 3x4 20s Bench press Front squat Strict...
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John McGuire
Jan 111 min read
Warm up 4 minutes-Single focused cardio Circuit 2 rounds 2 minute max jump rope, singles or doubles 1 minute rest Then 1 minute of each,...
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