1/11/24John McGuireJan 111 min read3 RFT:500m Ski/Row100ft KB Lunge (35/20 x 2)100m Farmer Carry (53/35 x 2)1000m Run*Accumulate 300ft Sled Push or Pull throughout
3 RFT:500m Ski/Row100ft KB Lunge (35/20 x 2)100m Farmer Carry (53/35 x 2)1000m Run*Accumulate 300ft Sled Push or Pull throughout
4/18/23 strict press 10 x 3Warm up 1/2 mile run 30 second handstand hold 30 second L hang then 3 rounds 5 bottoms up presses 5 negative pull ups 200 m run with a...
3/3/25Warm up 30 second hand stand hold 30 secondactive hang Two rounds 10 Rear deal fliys 10 dumbbell curls 10 dips Strength Four rounds 9...
2/27/25Worlds Greatest Stretch 5 Inch Worm Push Ups 10 Rear Delt Flys 15 Second Squat Hold Strength EMOM7 1 Clean To Overhead Pause Back...