2/14/25John McGuireFeb 131 min readWARM UP10 Minutes Mixed CardioCONDITIONING3 Rounds1 Minute Jump Rope - Doubles or Singles1 Minute Wall Sit with DB Curls1 Minute Hand Release Push Ups With Shorlder Taps1 Minute Hollow Rocks1 Minute KB High Pulls1 Minute Rest
WARM UP10 Minutes Mixed CardioCONDITIONING3 Rounds1 Minute Jump Rope - Doubles or Singles1 Minute Wall Sit with DB Curls1 Minute Hand Release Push Ups With Shorlder Taps1 Minute Hollow Rocks1 Minute KB High Pulls1 Minute Rest
4/18/23 strict press 10 x 3Warm up 1/2 mile run 30 second handstand hold 30 second L hang then 3 rounds 5 bottoms up presses 5 negative pull ups 200 m run with a...
2/27/25Worlds Greatest Stretch 5 Inch Worm Push Ups 10 Rear Delt Flys 15 Second Squat Hold Strength EMOM7 1 Clean To Overhead Pause Back...
2/26/25Hyrox athletes Pre-and post workout 1 mile run Warm up 30 seconds of each Hip bridge Hollow Squat hold Superman Split squat Side plank...