Warm Up
200 m run
1 minute bike
1 minute ski
10 Goblet squats
10 Kb swings
10 Kb push presses
For Time:
100/75 Cal Bike or Ski
100 Goblet Squat (53/35)
1 Mile Run
100 KBS (53/35)
100/75 Cal Bike or Ski
50 Wall Balls (14/10)
*Every break (Goblet squat, swing and wall ball only) complete 100m Farmer Carry (53/35 x 2)
Optional Workouts of the weekend
Bottoms Up Press 5x5/5
Negative Pull Ups 5x3
Lateral Lunges 5x3/3
4-6 Rounds
5 Minutes Slow
4 Minutes Moderate
1 Minute Fast