3/14/25John McGuire13 minutes ago1 min readWARMUPWorlds Greatest Stretch30 Secondsof BachActive Hang - under hard GapPlankSquat Hold90/90 TransitionsCONDITIONINGA -B-A-B-AA -AMRAP45/4 Calorie Bike10 Air SquatsB - AMRAP45 Chin ups10 Hand Release Push ups
WARMUPWorlds Greatest Stretch30 Secondsof BachActive Hang - under hard GapPlankSquat Hold90/90 TransitionsCONDITIONINGA -B-A-B-AA -AMRAP45/4 Calorie Bike10 Air SquatsB - AMRAP45 Chin ups10 Hand Release Push ups
4/18/23 strict press 10 x 3Warm up 1/2 mile run 30 second handstand hold 30 second L hang then 3 rounds 5 bottoms up presses 5 negative pull ups 200 m run with a...
3/13/25WARM UP Worlds Greatest Stretch 5 Barbell Clusters Empty bar with a pause At the top n botton 5/5 Floor Wipers 5 Barbell Clusters- Add...
3/12/25Warm up 3 minutes of double under practice 200 meter run 1 minute row Endurance Rx+-Triple 3 300 Double or single Unders 3K Row 3 Mile...